Will you be my bridesmaid?
I had been a flower girl back when I was 8 or 9, but what an honor I felt when my cousin asked me to stand up in her wedding! She asked via text, as this was way back in 2010, before big elaborate, Instagram worthy asks were all the rage. I immediately said of course! And then the news that she was thinking of putting us all in pink, strapless gowns came and I began to rethink my swift acceptance. We ended up in sensible tea-length dresses of a nice coral color, and straps! Bullet dodged.
Being the out of town bridesmaid, I didn’t have much responsibility. I just had to buy the dress, show up to the shower, and show up the weekend of. It was pretty smooth sailing and if all the weddings I’ve been in went like that, I probably wouldn’t have stared a blog.
Last weekend my only brother got married, and I was so proud to stand up in the church with other friends and family members. It marked the 7th wedding party I have been a part of, so I fancy myself a bit of a professional bridesmaid at this point. I was talking to a friend yesterday about the 8th wedding I will be in next year, and she threw out the ever cliché line “You should write a book”.
Normally I would scoff, because I honestly have been told this before, but this time it really made me think. 7 weddings. 7 dresses. 7 groups of bridesmaids, 7 groups of groomsmen. 14 families. 7 bridal showers. 6 bachelorette parties (I’m pretty sure my cousin never had one. If she did, I didn’t make the trip to Ohio). Countless details and do’s & don’ts. I really do have enough content and experience to write a How-To book as thick as the novel It by Stephen King, and twice as scary. Since I have no clue how to write a book (maybe get a How-To write How-To Books book?), I thought I’d start with a blog first.
I’m hoping I can help all future bridesmaids be the best they can be. I’d like to share my tips on what to do to be a good bridesmaid, and what absolutely not to do. There’s always one in every group, and I’d like to help you not to be that one, as there are definitely more do not’s than do’s when it comes to being in a wedding. I’d like to fully flesh them out with my own personal experiences, and that’s what I hope to accomplish with this blog.